We create opportunities for deaf people around the world to make lasting changes in their lives and their communities
Investing in education is one of the most effective ways to bring long-lasting solutions to deaf people’s social and economic challenges.
We provide a wide range of employment and career services for deaf individuals, and organizations. Our services include educating employees and employers, building an inclusive workplace, identifying business opportunities, and helping with career changes.
At Deaf Empowerment we work to prepare the next generation leaders! From understanding deaf people's unique needs to creating engagement opportunities, we are committed to creating opportunities for deaf people around the world to make an impact in their communities.
This program aims to increase accessibility for deaf people and improve their quality of life. From training Sign Language interpreters to creating accessible environments in work and life, we're here to ensure that deaf people have equal opportunities to communication and information.
Identifying needed changes is a valuable tool for deaf communities. Through evidence-based research, we create a sustainable impact on deaf communities worldwide.
Local action is key to fostering successful international collaboration. Our Re-imagining Deaf Communities International Conference brings together a global and multi-sector community to learn, educate, and plan for success.
Our organizaiton participates in a number of projects that support our mission.