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Skills Development & Deaf Communities

Updated: Jan 4, 2023

It is a fact that both our era and our society are full of challenges and changes, so that every person is faced with the complexity and demands of the new age every day.

What we have seen so far, both in education and vocational rehabilitation is constantly changing. We need to develop new skills and abilities that will help us respond to current challenges and to ensure a good living environment for ourselves and the people we serve.

“It is crucial that we constantly create opportunities for deaf people of all ages and backgrounds to develop the knowledge and skills needed to empower themselves and their communities“

As an International Development professional who has devoted his life to deaf people and their community's development, I observe that the consequences of the accumulation of various deprivation in key areas such as education and accessibility in communication are that deaf people are not given the opportunities needed to develop and cultivate soft and life skills. The consequences are mainly found in the dependence of deaf people on welfare benefits, low standards of living, lack of accessibility to crucial health services such as mental health providers, as well as lowered expectations of standards that are set by the wider society for deaf people.

Learning to change

The rapid development of technology and globalization are two key factors that make an urgent call for action. We must constantly create opportunities for deaf people of all ages and backgrounds to develop the knowledge and skills needed to empower themselves and their communities. Through lifelong learning, deaf people can maintain their achievements, and be prepared for the future but most importantly, creating opportunities for skills development opens ways for deaf people to become active citizens and benefit their communities and the wider society, as well. Skills development means for deaf people:

  • They can have better opportunities in their careers

  • Eliminate barriers and increase inclusive engagement

  • Strengthen their voice in decisions that affect them

All deaf people around the globe need to develop skills that will allow them to achieve great personal success and make a long-lasting impact in their communities.

All deaf people around the globe need to develop skills that will allow them to achieve great personal success and make a long-lasting impact in their communities.

George Schinarakis

International Development Specialist

in Deaf Education & Empowering Deaf Communities

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